Studies on the Present Status of Evergreen Ground-Cover Plants in Winter of Seoul

서울시내 동절기 상록성 지피식물식재 현황에 관한 조사연구

  • 이정석 (고려대학교 원예과학과) ;
  • 방광자 (상명여자대학교 환경녹지과) ;
  • 곽병화 (고려대학교 원예과학과)
  • Published : 1991.10.01


The current status of evergreen ground-cover plants as of in the winter months in 50 places selected at random in Seoul was assessed to see how they are at the present, and the following matters of evergreen ground-cover plants were observed to be common aspect of them today during the year of 1989 and 1990 and in winter of Seoul. 1. Ground-cover area in 50 different places of Seoul was 36% of the green area, and the evergreen ground-cover area was 3% of total ground-cover area. As the result, most of ground cover plants founded to be zoysia grasses. 2. Total number of evergreen ground-cover plants species was 24, and the species most frequently found were Juniperus chinensis and horizontalis, Buxus koreana, Liriope platyphylla var. nana. Taxus cuspidats, Rhododendron lateritium, Pleioblastus pygmaea, Poa pratensis in that order of the number of plasces assessed, and sere Poa pratensis, Agrostis tennuis, Liriope platyphylla, Buxus koreana, Juniperus chinensis and horizontalis, Taxus cuspidata. var. nana, Rhododendron lateritium in the order of area planted. 3. Woody plants included 9 species and occupied 16% in the area, also introduced plants included 14 species and occupied 79% in the area. As introduced evergreen grasses occupied, almost of evergreen ground-cover herbs, planting of evergreen ground-cover herbs and native plants are thought to be desirable. 4. Flowering plants of 16 species were found to be 16% of the total evergreen ground-cover area. 5. The ratio of topographical difference, such as plain versus slope for planting site, was 82 and 18% respectively, and sunny versus shady and intermediate places were 72, 15 and 13% respectively. 6. Although appearance of plants was generally fair, poor and drying plants were assessed 33% for the number of places planted, and 11% for the area. It seems to be necessary to manage those plants to their growth characteristics, and desiable to introduce various plant species adaptable to the winter climate of Seoul and grow for the winter landscaping purpose. 7. The poor use and lack of evergreen ground-cover plants are regarded to be deficient in the valus and reconization of them, particularly in the landscaping works. It is therefore considered important to bring out pertinent measures against these inadequate situations.
