The latest Situation of Medicinal Hers Culture and Improvement of Distribution Structure

최근의 약초재배 현황과 유통구조의 개선

  • Published : 1991.11.01


Many people have a growing interest on the health result from economic improvement, various environimental pollution and stress, and unrest on the adult diseases etc.In these result, demand for the herb medicine continues to expand. Farmers of theour country have a hardship in the farm management owing to of opening and liberaliza-tion, and make strenuous efforts on the devclopment of substitute crops to overcomethese differties. Government nowadays recommends the cultivation of the economiccrops like a flowers, medicinal herbs mushroom and clean vegetables. Medicinal herbsare specially profitable among these crops because herbs are possible to culture inwaste land, disused field and slope land, and owing to need less labor and competitionthan those of other crops. The most important problem is the facts that the compli-cation of currency structure of herb medicine inflicts mucll loss to cultivators. Therefore, this study was investigated the state of herb cultivation and the facts to be imploved in currency structure of the harvested herb medicine.1 . The cultivating area and output have been gradually increased and much produc-ted in Kyoungbuk, Kangwon, Choongbuk, Cheonbuk and Cheonnam province in or-der of cultivating area 2. Collection amount of wild herb medicine is decreasig bythe reason of the varous difficulties on the collection. 3. Cultivators of medicinal herbscan make agricultural management more resonable in information exchange on theherb cultivation, purchase of seed, fertilizer, chemicals and other materials, and sell-ing of harvested herb medicine by organization of cultivator fraternity. 4 Cultivatorshave to exclude intermediary margin by the development of direct transaction andcontract cultivation with medicinal herb store, drug manufacturer, chinese meicinehospital and trading firm etc. And also, by the performing exportation with foreign consumer.

동양에서는 생약을 주로 한약조제에 많이 이용되고 있으나 서양에서는 신의약품 개발과 제조에 이용되고 있다. 그러나 최근에 와서는 국내외를 막론하고 제약업계에서 양약의 제조와 신의약품 개발에 치중하여 생약의 수요가 증가하고 있다. 따라서 당국에서는 계획생산에 대한 지도와 자금지원, 품종관리, 재배 및 신의약품개발에 대한 연구지원, 수입통제에 의한 농민보호등 제도적 지원을 강화하여 우리나라 주종 재배약초의 자포자기적인 생산기피현상을 막아야 할 것이다.



  1. 農林水産統計年普 農林水産部
  2. 藥用作物(生藥) 關係資料 農林水産省 農蠶園藝局
  3. 藥用植物栽培 朴仁鉉;李相來;安相得;宋沅燮
  4. 現代生藥學 柳庚秀;金永在;韓德龍
  5. 最新園藝 no.7月 藥草栽培現況과 展望 이승택
  6. 韓國生藥報 no.145;146;147;149 韓國生藥協會