Proximate compositions of the roots of cultured and wild Codonopsis lanceolata were examined as tile basic reasearch for the study of their source of processed foods.No significant difference in the contents was found between the wild root and thecultivated at 3$0^{\circ}C$ in biotronroom. In view of the results to have measured mineralswhich is included in 14 sorts of Codonopsis lanceolata and surveyed their distribution.12 kinds of minerals including T1, Co, Ge, Sm, Mo, Sc, Be, Cd, As, Ga, Bi, ph are ne-vel or little included in almost source. Other twenty-one sorts of minerals (Ni, Se,Ba, Sb, Si, Ti, B, Li, Ifs, Ca, Sr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, p, Al, Na, V, Cr, K) are more or less in-cluded in all source and Ca, Mg, p, K, and Fe are metals that are included in large qu-entities in comparison with others. No minerals difference in the contents was foundbetween the cultivated temperature. The content of elements of inorganic metal differsaccording to the part of C. lanceolata.