한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제30권1호
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- Pages.58-64
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- 1991
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
수도 포장주변에 발생하는 노린재류와 반점미 발생
Occurrence of Bug Species around Paddy Field and Peckey Rice
수도포장과 휴반에서 발생하는 노린재종의 분포와 반점미 발생 관계를 조사한 결과를 휴반에서 총 21종의 노린재가 채집, 분류되었으며, 그중 우점종은 가시점둥글노린재, 긴날개쐐기노린제였고, 수도포장에서는 11종이 동정되었으며 우점종은 긴날개쐐기노린재, 설상무늬장님 노린재, 가시점동글노린재이었다. 노린재 종별 반점미 발생율은 가시점둥글노린재가 가장 심하여 34.7%였고 그 다음은 붉은잡초노린재로 2.7%였다. 노린재가 주로 벼의 유숙기를 중심으로 출수기에서 황숙기에 피해를 주었을 때 반점미 발생이 많았고, 품종별로는 극조생 또는 조생종 품봉인 태백벼, 소백벼, 삼강벼 등에서 심하였다. 지역별 반점미 발생은 조생종 품종이 재배되는 포천등 내장산간지에서 많았다.
This study was carried out to investigate the occurrence of bug species around bank and paddy field and its peckey rice in four different districts of Kyonggi Area, and then to observe the distribution of bug species causing pee key rice. The results obtained were as follows; Thirty one bug species were collected around bank and its dominant species were Eyarcoris parvus, Nabis stenoferus, Stictopleurus crassicornis and each constituted 35.9, 20.2, 6.5 %, respectively. On the other hand, 11 bug species in paddy field were identified and the dominant species among them were Nabis stenoferus, Adelphocoris triannulatus, Eyarcoris parvus. Pee key rice induced by the infestation of bug species was 34.7% in Eyarcoris parvus and 2.7% in Aeschynteles maculatus. The occurrence of pecked rice injured by bugs was severe on milk ripe stage through heading stage to yellow ripe stage of rice growth period. Peckey rice among rice varieties was higher in Sobaekbyeo, extremely early mature variety, and Taebaegbyeo, early mature variety. The occurrence of peckey rice was higher in mountainous area such as Pocheon culturing early mature rice varieties.