Fall arresting system

  • Leamon, T.S. (Taxas Tech University) ;
  • Malone, C. (Taxas Tech University) ;
  • Son, D.H. (Keimyung University)
  • 발행 : 1991.06.01


A major inhibition of past work in a slip/fall accident study has been due to the lack of a facility and a methodology to experimentally investigate such behavior without expowting human subjects to the natural danger of injury resulting from a fall. In order to carry out a slip/fall research, a unique facility must be created specially to investigate falling and slipping behavior. One component of this facility will be used to focus a research towards experimental investigations of the basic mechanisms involved in falls. Especially, this compo- nent must be designed, developed, and fabricated to provide passive, reactive support at the point of loss of ba- lance. This component must allow both normal and reduced friction surfaces to be designated to investigate human falling in the experimental conditions. This study will address how a fall arresting system was designed and it would be implemented in actual case of a slip/fall study.
