신택틱 패턴 인식 알고리즘에 의한 심전도 신호의 패턴 분류에 관한 연구

A Study of ECG Pattern Classification of Using Syntactic Pattern Recognition

  • 남승우 (연세대학교 공과대학 전기공학과) ;
  • 이명호 (연세대학교 공과대학 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1991.12.01


This paper describes syntactic pattern recognition algorithm for pattern recognition and diagnostic parameter extraction of ECG signal. ECG signal which is represented linguistic string is evaluated by pattern grammar and its interpreter-LALR(1) parser for pattern recognition. The proposed pattern grammar performs syntactic analysis and semantic evaluation simultaneously. The performance of proposed algorithm has been evaluated using CSE database.



  1. Pattern Recognition v.19 no.4 Syntactic ECG processing : A review E.Skodalakis
  2. 전자공학회 논문집 v.28 신택틱 패턴 인식에 의한 심전도 신호의 피이크 검출에 관한 연구 신건수;이병채;이명호;
  3. Pattern Recogn. v.19 An attribute grammar for QRS detection G.Papakonstantinou;E.Skordalakis;F.Gritzal
  4. IEEE Transaction on Software Eng. v.Se.7 no.3 An interpreter of attribute grammar and its application to waveform analysis G.Papakonstantinou
  5. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.12 no.7 Syntactic Pattern Recognition of the ECG P.Trahanias;E.Skordalakis
  6. Compilers Principles, Techniques, and Tools Alfred V. Aho;Ravi Sethi;Jeffery D.Ullman
  7. Compiler Design in C Allen I.Holub
  8. Computers and Biomedical Research v.10 Electrocardiogram baseline boise estimation and removal using cubic splines and state-space computation techniques C.R.Meyer;H.N.Kerser
  9. Introduction to Computer Theory Daniel,I.;A.Cohen
  10. Syntactic pattern recognition applition King. Sun. Fu
  11. Computers and Research v.14 Syntactic filtering of ECG waveforms G.Papakonstantionous;F.Gritzali
  12. IEEE Transaction on Systems, and Cybernetics v.SMC-10 no.12 Attribute grammar a tool for combining syntactic and statistical approaches to pattern recognition Wen-Hsiang Tsai;King-Sun Fu
  13. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering v.BME-27 no.7 Syntactic approach to ECG rhythm analysis Jayarm K. Udupa;Ivaturi S. N. Murthy
  14. Computers and biomedical 17 Recognition of noise peaks in ECG waveform E.Skordalakis
  15. IEEE transaction on pattern analysis and machine intelligence v.PAMI-5 no.2 A step towards unification of syntactic and statistical pattern recognition K.S.FU
  16. Computers and Biomedical research 16 Using SEEK for multichannel pattern recognition Kenneth P. Birman