Synthesis of C-(2-Furyl)-N-(4-nitrophenyl)methanohydrazonyl Bromide. Reactions with Nucleophiles and Active Methylene Compounds

  • Hassaneen, Hamdi M. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo) ;
  • Shawali, Ahmad S. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo) ;
  • Elwan, Nehal M. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo) ;
  • Ibrahim, Al Hossien A. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo)
  • Published : 1991.09.01


Synthesis of C-(2-furyl)-N-(4-nitrophenyl)methanohydrazonyl bromide 2 is described. Treatment of 2 with uncleophiles affords the corresponding substitution products 3-7. Also, compound 2 reacts with selenocyanate anion and thiocyanate anion and give the corresponding selenadiazoline and thiadiazoline 8 and 9, respectively. Moreover, reaction of 2 with enolates of various active methylene compounds afforded the pyrazole derivatives 17-20.
