An Optimal Boundary Shape for Class-Based Storage Assignment Policy in Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems

자동 입출고 시스템에서 계급 할당규칙에 대한 최적 경계모양

  • Hwang, Hark (Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Ha, Jae-Won (Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 1990.06.30


With two-class-based storage assignment policy and dual command cycle in Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems(AS/RS), the problem of determining the region dedicated for class-one item is considered. First, the expected travel time of the S/R machine is derived when the boundary of the class-one region is square. Secondly, a heuristic procedure is proposed which determines sequentially the class-one region in a discrete rack. An application of the procedure generates leaf shape region which confirms that the L-shape partition is not necessarily optimal.
