ISDN 트래픽 엔지니어링에 관한 연구

A Study on the ISDN Traffic Engineering

  • 이강원 (서울산업대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1990.06.30


It has been recognized several years ago that traffic engineering in the multiservice environment of future ISDN will bring an incredible amount of work to be done. It is also true that ISDN traffic studies have been performed in case by case with traffic engineers' own discipline and with a poor knowledge on traffic characteristics and user behavior. In this study three major mainstreams of the currently active research topics are identified, which need to be standardized and analyzed under some unifying concepts. Based on the results of CCITT discussions, an attempt is made to answer the each question. The standardized analysis method will be most important for the design, engineering and operation of the ISDN in future.
