Supported by : 한국과학재단
An AQL type variables sampling system with switching rules is proposed. Comparative studies of existing variables sampling standards - MIL-STD-414, ANSI Z1.9, ISO 3951, and BS 6002 - are made, and simulation studies on switching procedures are conducted. Based on comparative and simulation studies, a variables sampling standard for Korean industry is proposed. The master sampling tables of the proposed standard are taken from the variables standard ANSI Z 1. 9 and the switching rules are matched to the attributes standard KS A 3109 to enable us to move between the proposed variables standard and KS A 3109. Composite OC and ASN curves of the proposed standard are calculated for selected combinations of lot sizes and AQL's and they are compared with those of ANSI Z1.9.
Supported by : 한국과학재단