한국어류학회지 (Korean Journal of Ichthyology)
- 제2권2호
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- Pages.159-168
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- 1990
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- 1225-8598(pISSN)
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- 2288-3371(eISSN)
실험실(實驗室)에서 사육(飼育)한 한국산(韓國産) 각시붕어, Rhodeus uyekii의 초기생활사(初期生活史)
Early Life History of the Korean Bitterling, Rhodeus uyekii(Cyprinidae) reared in the Laboratory
- Kim, Yong-Uk (Department of Marine Biology, National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
- Han, Kyeong-Ho (Department of Marine Biology, National Fisheries University of Pusan)
- 발행 : 1990.12.30
경남(慶南) 김해군(金海郡) 매리(梅里)에 위치(位置)한 하천(河川)에서 1987년(年) 4월(月), 반두로 각시붕어 성어(成魚)를 채포(採捕)한 후(後) 실험실(實驗室)의 수조(水槽)에서 사육(飼育) 중(中) 인공수정(人工受精)에 의한 난발생(卵發生) 과정(過程)과 부화자어(孵化仔魚)를 사육(飼育)하여, 관찰(觀察)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 성숙란(成熟卵)은 난경(卵徑)이
Parental fish of R. uyekii(Mori) were colleted from the Nakdong River, Korea. Artificial insemination was carried out 4 times during June using the same pair (a female 52.70 mm TL and a male 56.80 mm TL). Unfertilized eggs are nearly spindly, opaque yellow in colour, measuring about 3.20-3.50 mm in length, about 1.50-1.80 mm in breadth. Hatching began about 50 hours after insemination at water temperature of