Observation on Disease of Cattle foot

소의 제병환에 관한 연구

  • 오강희 (경상북도 가축위생시험소) ;
  • 박노환 (경상북도 가축위생시험소) ;
  • 김이준 (경상북도 가축위생시험소) ;
  • 박덕상 (경상북도 가축위생시험소)
  • Published : 1990.12.01


In order to know the incidence of foot rot in herds and slaughter houses, a total of 3,665 cattles were examined the incidence rate, vaccination. and drug susceptibllity the during the period from June to Novemer 1989. Eighty nine (2.42%) of'3,665 cattles were affected by the foot rot. and the highest incidence was observed on July and August. The foot rot was affected more frequently in hind limbs than frort limbs. In the vaccinated cattles of non affected herds, the disease was not occurred after-wards. Affected cattles which were treated with saturated picric acid gave more effective than those with 10% cupuric acid or 5% formalin in comarative treatment test.
