The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (한국통신학회논문지)
- Volume 15 Issue 12
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- Pages.1017-1030
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- 1990
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- 1226-4717(pISSN)
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- 2287-3880(eISSN)
Legal Protection of Information Society and Privacy Right
정보화사회와 프라이버시권리의 법적 보호
We live in so called information society. The more the technology develops the move the impersonalization deepens and the privacy diminishes. Information society has many privercy, if dehumanization and information inequality. Most receuty, according to the development of varies technology and increase of the use of Computers the more information about private life of individual is stoked and filed by each authority and public services, and if information is leaked by neglignace of these institation the privacy is fallen into the great dange, the law for the positive protection of privacy must be prepared as soon as possible. Therefore the establishment of the comcept of privacy right is established. The legal base of constitutional guarantee, the Relief out of the intringement of ligialative must be explained. These thesis is defined, legal foeks is established.
우리가 살고 있는 情報化社會는 非人間化와 프라이버시의 危機를 맞게 된다. 기술발전과 컴퓨터 使用의 增加는 個人情報의 大量 累積과 파일化를 가져오게 되고, 이것은 또한 여러 가지 制度上 未備에 따른 情報 누설 등 私生活의 危險을 초래하게 되었다. 이를 爲한 保護立法이 마련되어야 하며 이에 앞서 프라이버시의 개념과 法的 性質 등 문제가 解明되어야 한다.