GPS위성 동시수신법에 의한 국제시각비교

International Time Comparisons in Common-View via Global Positioning System (GPS) Satekkutes

  • 발행 : 1990.02.01


상용 GPS 수신기로 일본통신연구소(CRL)와 미해군관측소(USNO)와의 시각비교를 GPS 위성 동시수신법을 이용하여 수행하였다. 상대주파수 안정도는 평균화 시간이 1일일때 1.5x$10^-13$이었다. GPS 동시수신법에 의한 시각비교결과는 LORAN-C 지상파에 의한 결과보다 정밀정확도가 10배 정도 더 높았다.

International time comparisons using a commercial GPS receiver, with the common-view program of GPS satellite time links, have been carried out between Korea Standards Research Institute(KSRI) and Communications Research Laboratory(CRL) of Japan, and also between KSRI and United Stated Neval Observatory(USNO). The frequency stability is about 1.5 parts in $10^-13$ for the averaging time of 1day. The result of time comparisons obtained by the GPS common-view technique was about 10 times better than that by the LORAN-C(Long Range Navigation) ground wave technique.
