한국지반공학회지:지반 (Geotechnical Engineering)
- 제6권1호
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- Pages.43-58
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- 1990
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- 1229-215X(pISSN)
평면변형률 상태에 있는 연직지반앵커의 파괴모-드
Failure Modes of Vertical Ground Anchor in Plane Strain
- Im, Jong-Cheol (Dept.of Civil Engineering, Engineering College, Busan National University) ;
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- Park, Seong-Jae
- 발행 : 1990.03.01
지반앵커의 극한인기저항흉을 구하기 위해서는 파괴면의 위치, 파괴면 위의 수직응력 및 마찰각 을 알지 않으면 안된다. 본 연구에서는 평면변형률 모형실험을 통해서, 앵커주변지반의 변형을 관찰하여 파괴면의 위치를 구하고, 앵커표면의 수직응력,전단응력을 실측하므로써 앵커표면의 응력상태를 분석했다. 그리고, 측압계수와 파괴면의 위치의 관계(파괴모-드)를 구하구 무차원 계수인 극한인발저항력계수를 이용하여 극한51기저항력의 산정식을 제안했다.
In order to get ultimate pullout resistance of ground anchor, the position of failure surface, normal stress and friction angle on the failure surface should be known. In this study, the position of failure surface is obtained by observing deformation of ground around anchor, and stresses on the anchor surface are analyzed by measuring normal and shear stresses on the anchor surface through model anchor test in plane strain. In addition, the relationship between lateral earth pressure and the position of failure surface is analyzed and the formula for calculating ultimate pullout resistance of anchor is proposed by using non-dimensional coefficient of ultimate pullout resistance.