NACSIS, 서지 제어와 표준화

NACSIS, Bibliographic Control and Standardization

  • 발행 : 1990.06.01


서지데이터 입력시스팀의 인터페이스를 설계한 때 여러 가지 측면과의 관계를 고려해야 할 것이다. 입력 계획, 레코드포맷, 화면설계, 액세스포인트의 자동생성, 에러체킹, 기존 데이터베이스의 다운로드, 사용문자코드, 카드목록생산, 전기데이터의 이용 등이 것이다. 본고에서는 이와 길은 사항들을 어떻게 실제의 서지데이터 입력시스팀에 적용시킬 것인가에 대해 실례를 틀어 논한다.

Many factors play a role in designing the interface for bibliographic data entry system in response to the various needs. Among the major variables to be considered are planning, record format screen design, automatic generation of access points, error chocking, download from bibliographic databases, character codes, card catalog production, and use of authority data. This paper described with examples how these design considerations can be implemented in empirical system.



  1. Directory of the Scientific Research Organization in Japan Science Council of Japan [Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi]
  2. Aslib proceedings v.33 no.6 Databanks Cronin, Braise
  3. Paper presented at the Ninth General Conference of the International Federation of Social Science Organization(IFSSO) The National Center for Science Information System (NACSIS) and its Global Service Plan YAMADA, Hisao
  4. Library statistics of the universities 1988-89, MESC 3-8904
  5. paper presented at the Fourch U.S.-Japan Conference on Libraries and Information Science in Highter Education Database Formation and Services for Scholarly Information in Japan ADACHI,Jun
  6. Database White Paper(1988) Database Promotion Center
  7. paper presented at the 1st Pacific Conference of New Information Technology Online Cataloging in Japan NAITO,Eisuke;MIYAZAWA,Akira;INOUE,Hitoshi
  8. Proceedings 9th International Online Information Meeting Library Networking in Japan : the role of the Center for Bibliographic Information NAITO,Eisuke;MIYAZAWA.Akira;INOUE,Hitoshi
  9. Proceedings 9th International Online Information Meeting Network architecture for sharing Japanese Bibliographic Information HASHIZUME,Hiromichi;ADACHI,Jun;INOSE,Hiroshi
  10. Proceedigns FID / CAO 6th General Assembly Construction of database for Union List of Scientific Periodicals(ULP) held at Japanese academic community NEGISHI,Masamitsu(et al.)
  11. The Challenge of Information Technology Further Development of Union List of Scientific Periodicals(ULP) Database NEGISHI,Masamitsu;OZAWA,Hiroshi;Brown,K.R.(ed.)
  12. 52nd General Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Paper No.97-UN-3-E [086-UN-2] Union List of Periodicals (ULP) database and Science Information System for the academic researchers of Japan NEGISHI,Masamitsu
  13. paper presented at the 2nd Asian Forum for Standardization of Information Technology Conditions to Japanese Database and Standardization for Documentation-Status Review in March 1989 NAITO,Eisuke
  14. paper presented at the 2nd Pacific Conference on New-Information Technology Japanese Aspects of Standardization for Library & Information Services-A Review in March 1989 NAITO,Eisuke;KAGEURA,Kyo
  15. Proceedings of ICTP '83 Character set control system and Kanji the saurus MIYAZAWA, Akira;TAJIMA, Kazuo
  16. paper submitted to IFLA UBCIM Parallel Description: One Aspect of Cataloguing of Japanese Materials-A Comment to UNIMARC Authority 4th Draft MIYAZAWA, Akira;TAMURA, Kiyoko;TAMURA, Shunsaku;NAITO, Eisuke
  17. paper submitted to the 44th FID Conference SIST : Standardization Activities in the Fields of Scientific and Technological Information and Documentation in Japan NAGAYAMA,Taisuke(et al.)