발효계분비료시용이 들잔디(Zoysia japonica Steud.)의 추계생장양상에 미치는 영향

Fall Performance of Korean Lawngrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.)as affected by Bio -fertilizer Application

  • 발행 : 1990.10.01


The effect of bio-fertilizer, which was manufactured poultry manure, on the fall performance of Korean lawngrass was determined on a clay loam soil. Plant length was characterized by increasing the amount of bio-fertilizer applied. This trend was also true in dry matter yield of tops during the experimental period from August 31 through October 30. Both tiller numbers and stolon length steadily increased with increasing amount of bio-fertilizer applied, and 40m/t application of bio-fertilizer was found to be most effective on both components. performance shown on November 5 was prominent for both green leaf and root weights when the increased amount of bio-fertilizer was applied. Korean lawngrass had three times as much green leaf weight with 40m/t application of bio-fertilizer as with other treatments. Several functions of increment of above- ground part components caused by increasing root weight, which is greatly affected by bio-fertilizer application, was discussed. Turf quality was much improved by applying bio-fertilizer, indicating that this fertilizer might play an improtant role in respect of soil structure, water retention etc.
