서울지역 성인의 영양보충제 복용실태

Nutrient Supplement Usage by the Korean Adult in Seoul

  • 이상선 (한양대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1990.08.01


The status of the nutrient supplement usage of the adults in Seoul was investigated. One thousand two hundred adults from various age groups were chosen as the subject of this study. Data of this study were obtained by means of self administered questionnaire for demog-raphic characteristics(sex,age,edcation,income,occupation) and behavioral characteristics (reason for using nutrient supplement or not using,exercise,drinking & smoking). The overall response rate was 85%(n=1031). As a result, a substantial percentage(40%) of the subjects were used some kinds of nutrient supplement. The higher the age, educational level, and family income were, the higher the percentage of nutrient supplement usage was. But there was not the significant difference between sexes(38% in men vs 34% in women). And supple-ment usage was higher in the thin and obese groups than the average weight groups. Majority of subjects indicated that the information source of supplement was "Family/Friends" or "Phy-sician/Pharmacist". KEY WORDS: supplement usage vitamin/mineral supplement health food.
