두 개의 동일한 소화조로 이루어진 메탄가스 생산체제의 경제적 운영에 관한 연구

Economic Scheduling of Multiple Feedstock Biogas Production Systems on Two Identical Digesters

  • 김봉진 (단국대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1990.06.01


Biomass to methane production is a good supply of substitutable energy resources. The economic viability of these systems depends a great deal on cost effective production methods and facilities. The operational problem is to determine the time eto allocate to each batch of several feedstocks for each digester and to determine the number of batches for each digester so as to maximize biogas production for two identical digesters over a fixed planning horizon. This paper provides an efficient approximation procedure which is based on decomposition of the problem and the analysis of incremental gas production function for each feedstock. The computational experience for the heuristic procedure was also reported.
