다층 신경회로 및 역전달 학습방법에 의한 로보트 팔의 다이나믹 제어

Dynamic Control of Robot Manipulators Using Multilayer Neural Networks and Error Backpropagation

  • 오세영 (포항공대 전자전기공학과) ;
  • 류연식 (㈜금성사 정보기기연구소 컴퓨터 2실)
  • 발행 : 1990.12.01


A controller using a multilayer neural network is proposed to the dynamic control of a PUMA 560 robot arm. This controller is developed based on an error back-propagation (BP) neural network. Since the neural network can model an arbitrary nonlinear mapping, it is used as a commanded feedforward torque generator. A Proportional Derivative (PD) feedback controller is used in parallel with the feedforward neural network to train the system. The neural network was trained by the current state of the manipulator as well as the PD feedback error torque. No a priori knowledge on system dynamics is needed and this information is rather implicitly stored in the interconnection weights of the neural network. In another experiment, the neural network was trained with the current, past and future positions only without any use of velocity sensors. Form this thim window of position values, BP network implicitly filters out the velocity and acceleration components for each joint. Computer simulation demonstrates such powerful characteristics of the neurocontroller as adaptation to changing environments, robustness to sensor noise, and continuous performance improvement with self-learning.
