해표양진탕(解表兩陳湯) 및 해표이진탕(解表二陳湯)이 Guinea Pig의 기관지(氣管支) 평활근(平滑筋)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effects of Haepyoyangjintang and Haepyoejintang Extract On the Contraction of Isolated guinea pig trachea smooth muscle

  • Park, Cheon-Su (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Won Kwang University) ;
  • Han, Sang-Hwan (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Won Kwang University)
  • 발행 : 1990.12.31


This study was carried out to investigate the effect of Heapyoyangjintang and Haepyoejintang extract on the contractile force of the isolated guinea pig trachea smooth muscle and elucidate its mechanism. The results were obtained as follows : 1. The isolated trachea smooth muscle was suspended in the organ bath with oxygenated kreb's Henseleit bicarbonate buffer solution at $37^{\circ}C$, and the developed tension by the drug was recorded with Isometric transducer(nacro F-60). The resting tension was approximately 0.5g. 2. The trachea smooth muscle of the isolated guinea pig was significantly relaxed by the administration of Haepyoyangjintang and Haepyoejintang extract. 3. The contractile response of the trachea smooth muscle of the isolated guinea pig to histamine$10^4M$ Was significantly inhibited by Heapyoyangjintang and Haepyoejintang extract. 4. The contractile response of the trachea smooth muscle of the isolated guinea pig to acetylcholine$10^4M$ was considerably inhibited by Haepyoyangjintang and Haepyoejintang extract. 5. The contractile response of the trachea smooth muscle of the isolated guinea pig to 5-hydorxytrtrypptamine $10^4M$ was considerably inhibited by Haepyoyangjintang and haepyoejintang extract.



  1. 醫宗損益 v.上 黃道淵
  2. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  3. 辨證方藥正傳 李常和
  4. 原本 濟衆新編 康命吉
  5. 新증 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  6. 東醫方劑學 尹吉榮
  7. 李常和 治療指針 李常和
  8. 丁茶山小兒科學 崔奎憲
  9. 東醫小兒科學 丁奎萬
  10. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  11. 方藥合編 黃道淵
  12. 中醫內科學 上海中醫學院
  13. 張氏醫通 v.上 張로玉
  14. 醫部全書 v.九 陳夢雷
  15. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  16. 醫學門經 徐學山
  17. 六科準繩 王肯堂
  18. 증補萬病回春 용延賢
  19. 丹溪心法附錄 朱震享
  20. 金貴要略方論 張中景
  21. 濟衆新編 康命吉
  22. 太平惠民和劑局方 陳師文
  23. 編註 醫學入門 李정
  24. 臨床本草學 辛民敎
  25. 本草從新 吳儀洛
  26. 標本本草學 金晸壽
  27. 本草學 李常仁
  28. 韓國本草學 陸昌洙
  29. 現代本草學 陸昌洙;安德均
  30. 本草綱目 李時珍
  31. 韓藥의 藥理 成分 臨床應用 陸昌洙
  32. 韓藥臨床應用 李常仁;安德均;辛民敎
  33. 申氏本草學(各論) 申佶求
  34. 和韓藥用植物 刈米達夫;木村雄四郎
  35. 華蓋散이 Guinea pig의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金聖炫
  36. 圖光大學校 論文 紫蘇飮子가 Guinea pig의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 宋鎭吾
  37. 半瓜丸이 Guinea pig의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 盧丞錫
  38. 黃帝內經 素問譯解 楊維傑
  39. 藥理學講義 李宇柱
  40. 小兒醫方 崔奎憲
  41. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treanent Krupp Chatton Werdegar
  42. The Pharmacological Basic of Therapeutics Alfred Goodman Gilman