- 太乎惠民和劑局方 中國醫學大系 9 陳師文(特撰)
- 醫門寶鑑 周命新
- 增補萬病回春 공정현
- 萬病醫藥顧問 陸靑節
- 三因方 陳無擇
- 證脈 方藥合篇 黃度淵
- 原本東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 漢方製劑解說集(2集) 慶熙醫療院漢方病院
- 東醫內枓學 具本泓
- 醫宗損益 黃道淵
- 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁;安德均;辛民敎
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 申氏本草學 申吉求
- 蟠葱散 및 蟠范,散加味方이 trypsin 膵腸炎에 미치는 影響 金敬蘭
- Ger. Offen. Antibacterial Nitrofuranto in Composition Van-Loon 等
- Fr. Demand Antinflammatory, Cooling, Local, Vegetable, De rived Pharmaceutical Composition Benguigui, Francis
- Hsiang Kang Chin Hni Hsueh Ywan Hsueh, Pao v.8 Studies on the Components of the Flowers of Their Lonicera Japonica Thumb and Antibacterial Activites Wong-Leung;Yee-Ling
- Chem. Pharm. Ball. v.27 no.12 Antiinflammatory Principles of Atractylis Rhizomes. Endo Katsuya 等
- Indian J, Med. Res. v.58 no.5 In vitro Antimicrobial Efficiency of Essential Olis Rao, B. G. V. Narasimha;Nigam S. S.
- 手拈散이 胃潰瘍 및 鎭痛에 미치는 影響 金英俊
- 中藥藥理與應用 王浴生
- 大方藥合篇 李泰浩(篇)
- 藥物學實驗 高木敬沈郎;小澤 光
- 臨床病理檢査法 이삼렬
- 臨床病理檢査法 鄭允燮
- 臨床化學實技 金載菅(等篇)
- Clin, Chem. Enzymatic Determination of Total Serum Cholesterol Ailain C.(et al.)
- Clin, Chem. v.19 Preperation and Properties of a Cholesterol Oxidase from Nocardia SP. and It's Apprication to the Enzymatic Assy of Total Cholesterol in Serum. Richmond, W.
- Triglycerides J. Lob and Clin, Med v.50 Micromethod for the Determination of serum. Van Handel, E.;Zilversmit, D. B.
- Method in Enzymology v.5 Tolsuji Kimura(et al.)
- 臨床檢査 v.14 中村治雄
- Brit. J. Pharmacol. v.23 The use of Changes in Capillary Permeability in Mice to Distinguish between Narcotic and Non-narcotic Analygesics. Whittle, B. A.
- Soc. ExP. Bial, Med v.95 A Method for Evoluating Both Non Narcotic and Narcotic Analgesia Proc. Sigmund, E.
- 醫學入門 이천
- 景岳全書 張介賓
- 脾系內科學 柳基遠
- 黃帝內經素問 王永
- 黃帝內經素問 王永
- 대한의학협회지 v.14 no.9 膽石의 發生原인 및 그 成分 홍사석
- 肝內膽石病의 臨床的 考察 趙範九
- 膽石病 患者의 膽管直經 來歷 및 性狀에 關한 硏究 崔龍萬
- 綜合醫學 人體膽石의 成分에 關한 硏究 洪思澳
- 人體에서의 膽汁 및 膵液分泌에 關한 硏究 尹世玉
- Arch surp. v.91 Frormation of Gallston in Man. Thureborn, E.
- Cecil-boeb. Textbook of Medicine Beeson, P. B.;McDermott, W.
- The physiological Basis of Medical Practice Best C. H.;Taulor, N. B.
- Alimentary Canal Vol 5. Bile: Digestion: Ruminal Physiology Cede, C. F.;Heidel, W.(Ed.)
- Review of physiologycal Chemistry Harper, H. A.
- Pathology Robbins S. L.
- Principle of Biochemistry White a. Handler P.;Smith E.L.
- Izumi, K.;Tasesue N.;Miyake, H.
- J. Clin. Invest v.45 Production of Bile Duct, Hyperplasia and Gallstones by Lithocholic Acid Palmer R. H.;Hruban, Z.
- Abstracts from 4th World Congress of Gastroenterology Gallstones in Patients with Crohn's Diseases of Resection of the Terminal Llium and Distrurbed Bile Salts Metabolism. Neaten, K. W.
- Gastroenterology v.21 Incidence of Gallbladder Diseases in Chronic Hemolytic Anemia(Spherocytosis) Bates G. C.;Brown C. H.
- Ann. Sung v.135 The Incidence of Gallstrones and Their Correlation with Other Diseases Lieber M,.E.
- Gallbladder Dysfunction In Diabetes Mellitus :the Diabetic Neurogenic Bladder Diabetes Gitelson S.;Schwartz A.;Frnakel, M.;Chowers, l.
- Acta Chin, Scand. v.259 Some Bilological Trates in Female Gallstone Diseases Patients Van der Linden, W.
- Acta, Med. Scand. v.179 Jaundice During Pregnancy with Special Emphasis on Recurrunt Jaundice During Pregnancy and Its Differential Diagnosis Haemmorli, U. P.
- Infections Diseases Epidemiology and Clinical practice Christie A. B.
- Gastroenterology v.50 The Natural Course of Gallstone Disease, Eleven-year Review of 781 Nonoperated Cases Wenckert, A.;Robertson B.
- Ann, Surg v.140 Performation of the Gall Bludder In Acute Cholecystitis Pines, B.;Rabinovitch. T.
- Arch. Surg. v.70 Relation of Gallstone Disease to Angina Pectoris. Ravdin, I.S.;Fitz-Hugh T. Jr.;Wolferth C. C.;Barbieri, E. A.;Ravdin, R. G.
- Abstract from 4th World congress of Gastroenterology Acute Renal Failure in Association with Biliary Tract Diseases. Sorengen, T. H.;Anderson, B.;Oranshalt, J.;Skjodborg H.
- 內科學(下) 幸文鎬(等篇)