효소정제의 붕해에 미치는 첨가제의 영향

Effect of Additives on Disintegration of Enzyme Tablets

  • 발행 : 1990.03.20


In case of the slowly disintegrating tablets such as enzyme preparations, disintegration time (DT) may be the important factor in formulating those preparations. The effects of tablet hardness, lubricants and disintegrants on DT were investigated in this approach. Disintegration time was significantly affected by disintegrants, moderately by lubricants, but not by tablet hardness. The effect was in the order of magnesium stearate >talc, PEG, sodium benzoate in case of lubricants, and of Ac-Di-Sol>LHPC>Primogel >Kollidon in case of disintegrants. Because lubricants and disintegrants influenced the tablet hardness and DT profile showed complicated pattern, it should be remembered that all factors mentioned above should be simultaneously considered in the formulation of enzyme tablets.
