Hepatoprotective Activities of Biologically Active Agents from Crude Drugs(I) -Hepatoprotective Activities of Traditional Korean Herbal Prescriptions-

식물성생리활성물질(植物性生理活性物質)의 간보호작용(肝保護作用)(I) -한약처방(韓藥處方)의 간보호작용(肝保護作用)-

  • Published : 1990.09.30


Hepatoprotective activities of 26 traditional Korean herbal prescriptions described in Donghibogam were evaluated in vivo and in vitro screening system. Twenty one prescriptions appeared to be active. Six prescriptions among them showed highly significant hepatoprotective activities; Shihogyegy-Tang(柴胡桂枝湯), Soshiho-Tang(小柴胡湯), Shiho plus Younggolmoryo-Tang(柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯), Yinjinho-Tang(茵蔯蒿湯), Yinsam-Tang(人蔘湯) and Shashim-Tang(瀉心湯). Shihogyegy-Tang was most active. They reduced the release of transaminases from dissociated hepatocytes by thioacetamide, and serum transaminases and alkaline phosphatase activities of rat with carbontetrachloride-induced hepatitis. They inhibited significantly lipid peroxidation and cellular fatty change of liver by carbontetrachloride.
