자동공정설계(自動工程設計)에서 가공작업(加工作業)의 선정(選定) 및 순서결정(順序決定) 기법(技法)의 개발(開發)

An Automated Process Selection and Sequencing Method in Computer-Aided Process Planning

  • 발행 : 1989.12.31


This paper deals with development of a computer-aided process selection and sequencing technique and its software for metal cutting processes of rotational parts. The process selection procedure consists of selection for proper machining operations and machine tools suitable for the selected operations. Machining operations are selected based on machining surface features and machine tools are selected by employing a conversion table which converts machining operations into machine tools. The process sequence is determined by the proper manipulation of the precedence relation matrix. A computer program for the proposed technique is developed by using Turbo-Pascal on IBM PC/AT compatible system. The proposed technique works well to real problems.
