도서관 이용교육 효과의 집단별 차이에 관한 연구

A Study on the Evaluation of Bibliographic Instruction with Reference to the Effectiveness Differences among College Student Groups

  • 발행 : 1989.12.01


The study attempted to determine if the effectiveness of bibliographic 'instruction would be different among student groups, divided by grade levels, major areas of study, and the level of library skills posessed before the instruction. The focal point of the investigation was the degree of improvement demonstrated by the changes in mean score of each group after taking bibliographic instruction. Sangmyong Women's University students who have taken the bibliographic instruction course for credit were the subjects of the study. Students' library skills were measured prior to the bibliographic instruction and post-test was followed. And the measured was based on the 'Library skills Test' developed by the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries. Three hypotheses in the study were tested statistically by ANOVA. The followings are the results of the analysis: (1) There were no significant differences in bibliographic instruction effectiveness among student groups divided by grade levels; (2) There were significant differences (p<.01) in bibliographic instruction effectiveness among student groups divided by major areas of study. Bibliographic instruction was more effective for humanities or social sciences majors than for performing arts or physical education majors; (3) There were significant differences (p<.001) in bibliographic instruction effectiveness among student groups divided by the initial library skills. Obviously, bibliographic instruction was more effective for the students in bottom quartile than those in top quartile or middle quartiles. Finally, limitations of the study, recommendations based on the results and area for future research are briefly examined.
