생물교육 연구의 동향- 영국의 Journal of Biological Education의 컴퓨터 분석

Research Trends on Biological Education An analysis of Journal of Biological Education of England Using a Com puter Program

  • 안태인 (서울대학교 사범대학 생물교육학과)
  • Ahn, Tea-In (Depatment of Biological Education, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1989.06.30


For the advancement of research in biological education in Korea, research trends shown in Journal of Biological Education(JBE)of England were analyzed by using a PC program(REFMENU). Papers Published in JBE between 1977 and 1987 were registered on the program with classifying keys of biological education and biology including names of authors, year, title, volume pages, and key words. Those input-date were analyzed by sorting depend-ing on either the classifying keys or the key words. Among the 361 papers 28.8% was dealing with the theory of science education. The rest dealt with biology and biological education, together. Of the six categories of biological education, the research on biological curriculum was 41 % of total and was the most. The major trends in this category was in developing the content of the curriculum. In the research of biological instruction, 37 papers dealt with the instruction theory and the rest 60 papers dealt with the tactics of Instruction. Of the 60 papers on materials in biological education, the research in developing the biological material was the most. Thus, the general research trend was far more practical aspect than the theoretical aspect of biological education. In the analysis of the papers depending on the biological categories, the one dealt with ecology was the most(26.8%). The rest papers showed almost even distribution in the 13 categories of biology. The results of this analysis was discussed by comparing with the research trends in Korea to suggest the possible future studies.
