Determination of Two- Dimensional Distribution of Fission Products in the Irradiated Fuel Rod by Image Reconstruction Methods

비파괴적인 영상재구성 방법에 의한 조사 핵연료봉 단면내 핵분열 생성물의 이차원분포 결정

  • 박광준 (한국에너지연구소 안전시험해석부) ;
  • 노성기 (한국에너지연구소 안전시험해석부)
  • Published : 1989.11.25


Reconstruction of the radial two-dimensional of fission products using projections obtained by nondestructive transversal direction gamma scanning was evaluated, and then compared with the destructive sectional gamma scanning results. Although the nondestructive method has a little drawback compared to the destructive method in the accuracy, the former seemed to be sufficiently applicable.
