Short Culm and Early Maturing Mutants Induced by Gamma Irradiation in Rice I . Mutation Rate and Variability

감마선 조사에 의한 수도의 단간 및 조숙돌연변이체 I. 변이체의 출현빈도 및 변이분포

  • Published : 1989.12.01


For selection of mutants two rice varieties, Sangpungbyeo and Seomjinbyeo, were irradiated with 20 kR and 25 kR of gamma rays. One panicle per each plant was harvested in Ml, and single needling per hill was planted for M2 and M3 generations. Mutations for short culm, earliness and the major traits were examined. 1. The mutation rates were varied with the rice varieties and the doses of radiation, higher in Sangpungbyeo and 25kR than in Seomjinbyeo and 20 kR, respectively. 2. The rates in Sangpungbyeo with the 20 kR and 25 kR were 1.10% and 1.47%. respectively and those of Seomjinbyeo were 0.51% and 1.25%, respectively. 3. The culm lengths of short-culm mutants derived from Sangpungbyeo and Seomjinbyeo were reduced about 10% compared to their mother varieties, especially it was possible to select the dwarf mutants reducing 57% and 40% of culm length in Sangpungbyeo and Seomjinbyeo, respectively with the dose of 25 kR irradiation. 4. The range of heading date of the mutant ion in the M3 generation was comparatively wide. Many earliness mutants shortened about 7 days were selected as compared with their mother varieties, some mutants of the irradiated group had early matured by 20 days and 30 days, respectively in both Seomjinbyeo and Sangpungbyeo.

수도 재배품종의 단점형질을 수양코자 상풍벼와 섬진벼 종자에 ${\gamma}$-선을 20kR로 조사하여 단간 및 조숙돌연변이 계통을 선발하는 과정에서 얻은 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 품종간에 변이출현율은 섬진벼보다 상풍벼에서 높게 나타났으며 조신선량간에는 두 품종 모두 20kR보다 25kR 조신구에서 높게 나타났다. 2. M$_2$세대에서 단간 조숙 및 유성변이체의 출현율은 상풍벼 20kR와 25kR에서 각각 1.10%와 1.47%, 섬진벼 20kR와 25kR에서 0.51%와 1.25%이었다. 3. M$_3$ 세대에서 단간돌연변이 계통중 상풍벼와 섬진벼의 두 품종 모두 25kR 조신구에서 모품종에 비해 각각 간장이 57%와 40%RK지 단축된 단간변이계통을 선발할 수 있었고, 모품종에 비해 10%정도 단축된 계통이 많이 출현하였다. 4. M$_3$세대에서 출수기의 변이분포는 비교적 넓었고 상풍벼와 섬진벼에서 모품종보다 출수기가 각각 30일과 20일 빠른 조숙돌연변이 계통을 선발할 수 있었고 모품종에 비해 7일 정도 단축된 계통의 출현은 많았다.
