The Use of Multiple Seed Vigor Indices to Predict Field Emergence and Grain Yield of Naked and Malting Barley

복합종자세지수를 이용한 보리 포장출아률과 수량예측

  • Kim, Seok-Hyeon (Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Gyeongsang Natinal University) ;
  • Bin, Yeong-Ho (Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Gyeongsang Natinal University) ;
  • Choe, Zhin-Ryong (Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Gyeongsang Natinal University)
  • Published : 1989.06.01


In order to estimate field seedling emergence and grain yield by the information collected from various laboratory seed vigor tests, each two malting and naked barley cultivar seeds were artificially aged according to the standard aging treatment suggested by the Association of Official Seed Analysts. The seed vigor tests adopted were warm- and cold-germination test, tetrazolium vigor test and electrocon. ductivity test. Field emergence of malting barley (Y) was estimated by Y=-2.962+0.229X$_1$ (% warm germination) -0.001X$_2$ (vigor of warm germination test: WGT) +0.354X$_3$ (vigor of cold germination test: CT) -0.558X$_4$ (% cold germination). The multiple correlation coefficient indicated that % warm germination. was contributed 64 % of the variation in seedling emergence rate of malting barley. The vigor of warm and cold germination tests, and % cold germination contributed additional 4, 7, and 9%, respectively, upon addition of the variables into regression. For naked barley, the regression equation of emergence rate was less efficient(R$^2$=54%) than that of malting barley(R$^2$=84%). A model to predict grain yield by the results of various seed vigor tests was not evaluated for both malting and naked barlev.

보리종실의 샐리적 특성을 포장출아력과 비교함으로써 포장유묘출아율과 수량의 예측에 적합한 검정방법을 구명하고자 맥주보리 2품종과 쌀보리 2품종을 인위노화처리시켜 고온발아검정(warm germination test), 저온발아검정(cold germination test), Tetrazolium 유모세검정(TZ vigor test), 전기전도도검정(electroconductivity test)의 결과를 포장출아율 및 수량과 비교 검토 하였다. 고온발아검정과 저온발아검정이 포장출아율 예측에 효과적인 검정법으로 나타났으며, 이들의 관계는 맥주보리에서는 Y(포장출아율)=-2.962+0.229X$_1$ (% warm germination) -0.001X$_2$ (vigor, WGT) +0.354X$_3$ (vigor, CT) -0.558X$_4$ (% cold germination)으로 나타났다. 다중화귀방정식의 결정계수는 맥주보리의 경우 고온발아검정에서의 발아율만으로 포장출아율을 64%예측할 수 있었다. 고온발아유묘세, 저온발아유묘세, 저온발아율은 각각 4, 7, 9%씩 결정계수를 높혔다. 네가지 검정치의 누가적 예측효율은 맥주보리에서 84%, 쌀보리 54%였다. 수량에서는 포장출아율에서 보다 맥주보리, 쌀보리 공히 예측효과가 낮게 나타났다.
