제주도산 해초류(Ascidians)의 분류학적 연구

A Systematic Study on the Ascidians from Cheju Island, Korea

  • Rho, Boon-Jo (Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Lee, Ji-Eun (Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 1989.06.01


제주도산 해초류의 분류학적 연구를 위해 1969년 12월부터 1989년 1월까지 제주도의 11개 지역(Fig.1.)에서 채집된 재료들을 동정, 분류하였고, 본 연구자에 의해 이미 보고된 것을 합하여 제주도산 해초류의 분류 목록을 작성하였따. 본 연구의 결과, 제주도산 해초류는 모두 10과 50종으로 밝혀졌고 이들 중 3종(Didemnum apersum, Didemnum translucidum, Botrylloides perspicuum)은 한국미기록종이었으며 10종은 제주도에서만 분포하는 종이었다. 한국미기록종에 대해서는 기재를 하고 그림을 작성하였다. 지금까지 밝혀진 한국산 해초류 73종중, 제주도에서 분포하는 종은 50종(68%)으로서 전체종의 반이상을 차지하였고, 이들을 수성별로 보면 냉수종이 1종(2%), 냉온수종이 7종(14%), 난온수종이 38종(76%), 열대수종이 4종(8%)으로서 많은 종이 난온수종으로 나타났다.

In order to carry out a systematic study of ascidians in Cheju Island, the authors identified and classified specimens collected from 11 sites around Cheju Island from December 1 1969 to January 1989. Using the information gathered from this study as well as previous s studies, the authors prepared a detailed list of the ascidians of Cheju Island. A As a result of this study, the ascidians of Cheju Island are 50 species in 10 families. Among them, 3 species (Dideηmum apersum, Didemnum translucidum, Botrylloides perspicuum) had not previously been known to exist in Korean waters. Description and drawings of these three species are presented in this report. It was also discovered that ten of the fifty species are found only in the Cheju Island area. The fifty species recorded in the Cheju Island area account for 68% of the seventy three species recorded from all Korea. Classifying them by t the temperature of the water where they are found, the authors found the following: one cold water species (2% of the total), seven cold-temperate water species (14%), thirty eight warm-temperate water species (76%) and four tropical water species (8%)
