Vegetation Structure of Orchrdrrass Sward IV. Dry matter production in permanent pasture

Orchargrass의 식생 구조 IIV. 영년초지에서의 건물생산

  • Published : 1989.05.01


This experiment was conducted to elucidate the changes of dry matter production in permanent pasture and its relation with relative yield of the 1st cutting, regrowth capacity, and persistance of orchardgrass sward, based on the data of preceeding The results were summarized as follows; 1. Relationship between relative yield of the 1st cutting and regrowth capacity were changed by the times of established pasture. Thus, the relative yield of the 1st cutting have negative significant correlation (P < -0.001) with regrowth capacity. 2. Regrowth capacity(RC) was positively significant correlations with the dry weight of plant (DW/pl.), number of tillers per plant (NT/pl.), plant size(PS) and distance between adjacent plants (DIS) of the 1st cutting. Also, regrowth capacity(RC) was positively correlations with the dry weight of plant (DW/pl.), number of tillers per plant (NT/pl.), stubble diameter(DIA), stubble area(SB), plant size(PS) and distance between adjacent plants(D1S) of the 2nd cutting. 3. The coefficients of regression of the 1st cutting showed a tendency to slightly decrease, on the other hand, the 2nd cutting and total yield were tended to increase by the times of established pasture. 4, Between the regrowth capacity and persistency were may deeply concerned to the changes of dry matter production in permanent pasture. 5. The process of dry matter production in permanent pasture can be shown in following diagrams.
