Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 28 Issue 2
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- Pages.61-68
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- 1989
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Studies on the Effects of Systematic Applications of Several Insecticides on the Population of the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. II. Some Properties of Buprofezin (Applaud) and Isoprothiolane (Fuji-one) in their Effects upon the BPH Population
살충제의 체계적 처리에 의한 벼멸구개체군밀도 억제효과에 관한 연구 II. Buprofezin(Applaud)과 Isoprothiolane(Fuji-one)의 벼멸구개체군 밀도억제에 미치는 몇가지 생물학적특성
To investigate the possibility of the BPH control by systematic application of insecticides, biological effects of buprofezin and isoprothiolane upon the BPH population was evaluated in the laboratory and pot. Both chemicals did not affect the developmental period of the nymphal stage with the applied dosages. When the buprofezin treated instar nymph was developed to the adult, adult's longevity was fairly reduced and such an effect of buprofezin was greater upon the younger instar nymphs. Residual effect of buprofezin was about 30 days in the pot. And it could suppress the BPH population when the younger instar nymphs were dominant age group in the population at the time of treatment. Isoprothiolane was also more effective for the suppression of the BPH population when the younger instar nymphs were dominant at the time of treatment. And it was expected that by buprofezin treatment in July the control effect of isoprothiolane against the BPH population could be maximized when it was treated to control the rice neck blast in late July or early August, because buprofezin could induce the biased population age distribution in which younger instar nymphs were main group at the time of isoprothiolane treatment.
살충제의 체계적 처리에 의한 벼멸구 개체군밀도억제 가능성을 검토할 목적으로 실내와 폿트에서 buprofezin과 isoprothiolane의 벼멸구 밀도억제에 관한 몇 가지 특성을 조사하였다. 두 약제 모두 처리농도에서 약충의 발육기간에는 영향을 미치지 않았으나 buprofezin을 약충에 처리했을 경우 그로부터 우화한 성충의 수명이 짧아졌으며, 그 효과는 유영약충에 처리했을 때 더 강하게 나타났다. 폿트에서 buprofezin 2G의 약효지속기간은 약 30일 정도였으며 그의 밀도억제효과는 유영약충의 대다수인 개체군에 처리했을 때 개체군밀도변동상황에 있어서 낮은 밀도수준을 유지할 수 있었다. Isoprothiolane 12G의 개체군밀도억제효과는 약처리당시의 유영약충 비율과 밀접한 관계가 있었던 바, buprofezin의 7월중 처리는 개체군년영분포가 유영약충으로 편중되도록 유도하여 목벼열병방제시 처리하는 isoprothiolane의 벼멸구방제효과를 증대시킬 수도 있을 것으로 생각된다.