전문대학 식품영양과의 실험실습 및 현장실습 운영실태에 관한 연구

A Stidy on the Real Management of Experimental-practice and Spot-practice at Department of Food and Nutrition of Junior College in Korea

  • 윤성식 (부천공업전문대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 소명환 (부천공업전문대학 식품영양과, 서울보건전문대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 남궁석
  • 발행 : 1989.08.01


This study was conducted to gather the baseline data on realities of experimental-practice and opinions toward spot-practice, and to examine how to cope with the problems raised at the Department of Food and Nutrition of Junior Technical College in Korea. Questionnaires were gathered from 42 chairmans of the Department of Food and Nutrition and 140 Present dieticians worked in Seoul, Bucheon am Seongnam area. The results are as follows, First, as a whole, each college had 2~3 experimental laboratory (Lab), in which Cooking Science Lab. Chemistry Lab and Microbiology Lab were occurred at higher frequency as Lab's name. Second, the numbers per experimental-practice class were more than 40 at most colleges. 85% of Present dieticians have answered to feel too much numbers per the class during their college days, whereas professors' opinions toward the numbers per class were suitable at 20~30 persons per class. Third, professors' opinion toward the adquate ratio of the theory subject classes to experimental subject classes was suitable at 60 : 40. Dieticians answered to take the theory subject classes partly or mostly on behalf of the experimental-practice classes. Fourth, the main reasons which inhibited normal experimental-practice class were the class for emphasis on examination, the shortage of experiment budget, the excess of class members, the shortage of experimental Lab Also, this results showed same propensity to present dieticians' opinion toward the same question above. Fifth, among the experimenta1-practice subjects established at the Department of Food and Nutrition, Diet Therapy Lab was highest frequency class emphasized on theory followed by Nutrition Counselling Lab, Food Processing and Storage Lab, Food Hygiene Lab and Food Microbiology Lab in that order. Here, Basic Chemistry Lab, Biochemistry Lab, Food Microbiology Lab were pointed as subjects far from the present task of dieticians. Sixth, Department of Food and Nutrition, as a whole, has conferred with spot-practice arrangement About 50% (all who want to join spot-practice) of second year students took part in spot-practice. In the other way, all colleges except for 2 colleges didn't give the credit for the spot-practice system. Seventh, according to the on analysis on spot-practice places, manufacturing company was at highest frequcney followed by hospitals, elementary school having group feeding system in that order. Especially, 16.7% (5 colleges) of the total colleges sent the students to the research institute related to food industry for spot-practice experience. Eighth, Professors' opinions toward the spot-practice time and period were preferable on summer vacation of second year and for 1~2 weeks, respectively. On the contrary, 74 dieticians answered to the adquate period as for 4 weeks. Ninth, 86 dieticians of the total 140 answered to complete the spot-practice during their college days, which helps the present task of them. Lacks of spot-practice program, Lacks of comprehension of upper personals and lacks of group feeding equipments ranks higher as difficulties in spot-practice management.
