Studies on the Behaviour of Ozone Concentration and the Influencing Factors

오존농도의 動態 및 影響因子에 關한 硏究

  • 金旻永 ;
  • 姜熙坤 ;
  • 李完宗 ;
  • 李相七 ;
  • 張鳳勳 ;
  • 朴聖培
  • Published : 1989.11.01


This study was carried out to determine the ozone concentration to behaviour and the factors to be influenced the variation of its concentration in the ambient air in Seoul. Measurements of ozone concentrations were made at 10 monitoring station to take care of SIHE (Seoul Institute of Health & Environment) during December 1987 to November 1988, also measured the hourly average concentration of sulfur dioxide, total suspended particulate, nitrogen oxide $(NO & NO_2)$, carbon monoxide, hydro carbon $(n-CH_4 & THC)$ and meteorological factors, that is, temperature, humidity, wind velocity wind direction and ultraviolet intensity etc, for the same period at same place. The basis of the data obtained were analyzed statistically along with the various data. The results were as follows; 1. The annually arithmetic mean concentration of ozone for the 10 sites during one years was 10.0 ppb and ranged from 3.1 $\pm$ 4.5ppb at the Kuro industrial complex to 17.2 $\pm$ 18.7 ppb at the Ssangmun site. 2. The frequency of hours on which oxidant concentrations exceeded the present short term standard of ozone (100 ppb) were 78 times. 3. The diurnal patterns of hourly ozone concentrations in Seoul area was a typical bi-modal variation which have 4 to 5 a.m. peak and 3. to 4 p.m peak. 4. The time ozone of highest ozone concentration in a whole day and hight was 1 to 5 p.m and 90.9 percent of appearence rate. 5. The diurnal patterns of hourly ozone concentrations in Seoul were on the whole the order of daytime from 5.8ppb to 28.7 ppb evening from 1.7 to 18.7 ppb night time from 1.9 to 9.3 ppb daybreak from 1.4ppb according to measuring sites, and the highest that observed at the Ssangmun area while the lowest was the Kuro industrial complex monitor sites. 6. The weekly variation of ozone concentration was the higher level ozone concentration in the day of the week occured sunday-monday and weekend but the decrease were observed from wednesday to thursday.



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