외상성 총장골정맥폐쇄에서 Palma 씨 수술치험 1례

Crossover bypass in the Obstruction of the Common Iliac Vein Using with Saphenous Vein Graft - A Report of Case -

  • 발행 : 1989.04.01


A 40-year-old male developed the swelling of the right leg one month after trauma on cycling. Conservative measures to relieve the swelling of the right leg for three months were failed. Venogram showed complete obstruction of the right common iliac vein. Crossover bypass [Palmas operation] with great saphenous vein graft for relief of venous stasis of the right leg was performed. Postoperatively, the swelling of the right leg was subsided and able to walk without edema of the right leg.
