Design of Automated Warehousing System for Increased S/R Machine Utilization

  • Hwang, H. (Department of Industrial Engineering, KAIST.) ;
  • Ko, C.S. (Department of Industrial Engineering, Kyungsung University)
  • 발행 : 1988.12.31


The objective of this study is mainly related to design aspects of Multi-aisle S/R machine system (MASS) which can substantially reduce high initial investment cost of Automated Storage/Retrieval System. Firstly, the average travel time of the S/R machine is determined under single and dual commands, from which the average performance of S/R machine is evaluated. Secondly, a design model is developed and the system parameters, such as length and height of the system, and the number of S/R machines, traversers and aisles are determined which provide minimum initial investment and operating costs. Also, through experiments, sensitivity analysis is made for the throughput and storage volume.
