Scanning electron microscopy on proliferative forms of Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis species

Toxoplasma gondii와 Sarcocystis 원충(原蟲)의 증식형(增殖型)에 대(對)한 주사전자현미경적(走査電子顯微鏡的) 관찰(觀察)

  • Kang, Yung-bai (Veterinary Research Institute, Rural Development Administration)
  • 강영배 (농촌진흥청 가축위생연구소)
  • Received : 1988.01.21
  • Published : 1988.10.15


For the comparison of surface fine structures in the proliferative forms of two major protoroan parasites, Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis species in mammalian hosts, isolated from the artificially infected mice and from the naturally infected cattle, respectively, an SEM(Hitachi S-570) was applied to the fixed, dried and coated with gold ion on the microslide glasses. The tachyzoites of T gondii from the peritoneal cavity of the mouse showed the crescent-like feature and measured as $5.57{\mu}m$ in length and $2.33{\mu}m$ in width, while the bradyzoites of Sarcocystis species from the heart muscle of slaughtered cattle was banana-shaped and measured as $14.18{\mu}m$ in length and $2.85{\mu}m$ in width. On the surface of Sarcocystis species bradyzoite, a distinct elliptical micropore was identified in the high magnification observation of 60,000X, and it measured as $0.35{\mu}m$ in length and $0.18{\mu}m$ in width.

포유류(哺乳類)의 주요(主要) 기생원충(寄生原蟲)인 Toxoplasma gondii와 Sarcocystis species의 증식형(增殖型)에 대(對)한 표면미세구조(表面微細構造)를 비교(比較)하기 위하여 주사전자현미경(走査電子顯微鏡)으로 관찰(觀察)하였다. 동(同) 시료(試料)는 인공감염(人工感染)된 마우스로부터 분리(分離)된 T gondii와 자연감염(自然感染)된 도축우(屠畜牛)로부터 분리(分離)된 Sarcocystis species의 증식형(增殖型)이었다. 관찰결과(觀察結果) 마우스 복강(腹腔)으로부터 채취(採取)된 T gondii의 증식형(增殖型)인 tachyzoites는 초승달모양(crescent-like feature)을 나타냈고, 계측결과(計測結果) 길이 $5.57{\mu}m$, 폭 $2.33{\mu}m$이었으며 도축우(屠畜牛)의 심근(心筋)에서 채취(採取)된 Sarcocystis species의 증식형(增殖型)인 bradyzoites는 바나나모양으로 길이 $14.18{\mu}m$, 폭 $2.85{\mu}m$이었다. 특(待)히 Sarcocystis species 증식형(增殖型)의 표면관찰(表面觀察)에 있어서 높은 확대배율(擴大倍率)(60,000X)의 관찰계측(觀察計測) 결과(結果), 길이 $0.35{\mu}m$, 폭 $0.18{\mu}m$의 미세공(微細孔)(micropore)이 확인(確認)되었다.
