Applications of Convolution Operators to some Classes of Close-to-convex Functions

  • Received : 1987.12.08
  • Published : 1988.08.01


Let C[C, D] and $S^{*}[C,\;D]$ denote the classes of functions g, g(0)=1-g'(0)0=0, analytic in the unit disc E such that $\frac{(zg{\prime}(z)){\prime}}{g{\prime}(z)}$ and $\frac{zg{\prime}(z)}{g(z)}$ are subordinate to $\frac{1+Cz}{1+Dz{\prime}}$ $z{\in}E$, respectively. In this paper, the classes K[A,B;C,D] and $C^{*}[A,B;C,D]$, $-1{\leq}B<A{\leq}1$; $-1{\leq}D<C{\leq}1$, are defined. The functions in these classes are close-to-convex. Using the properties of convolution operators, we deal with some problems for our classes.
