Influence of Sulfur and Fluorine Compounds on the Growth and Yield of Rice Plants;II. Growth and Yield Profiles with a Isolated Windbreak Under Stressed Conditions in Fields

황화물(黃化物) 및 불화물(佛化物)이 수도생육(水稻生育)과 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響);II. 오염지역(汚染地域)에서의 방풍막설치(防風幕設置)에 따른 생육(生育) 및 수량변이

  • Published : 1988.12.10


The study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of windbreaks to reduce the effect of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride on the growth of rice plants. It was observed that various pollution indicators such as the ambient concentrations of sulfur oxide and fluoride, sulfur and fluorine contents found in leaves appear to be significantly reduced within 3 meters behind the break. In that region yield components seemed normal. It is, however, observed that the pollutional indicators appear to increase gradually back to the same level as they were on the upwind side of the break. As for the relationships between pollution indicators and yields and also yield components it was believed that pollutants found in leaves might serve as the most important indicators of pollutional damage to rice plant Cultivation in fields. There was high correlation between ambient concentrations and yield, and also yield components. More significantly, a better correlation seemed to exist between sulfur and fluorine contents observed in leaves and yield ; And between those contents and yield components.

울출공업단지주변지역중(蔚出工業團地周邊地域中) 대기오염(大氣汚染)의 영향(影響)을 많이 받고있는 특정지역(特定地域)에 방풍막(放風幕)을 설치(設置)하여 배출원(排出源)에서 방출(放出)되는 대기오염물(大氣汚染物)의 영향(影響)을 줄이고, 피해원인(被害原因)을 구명(究明)하기위해 방풍막(放風幕) 앞뒤의 오염도(汚染度)와 수도(水稻)의 생육상태(生育狀態)를 조사(調査), 검토(檢討)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 방풍막(放風幕) 후면(後面) 3m지점(地點)의 대기중(大氣中) $SO_2$ 및 HF농도(濃度)와 엽내유황(葉內硫黃) 및 불소함량(弗素含量)은 다른 조사지점(調査地點)보다 낮았으며, 대기중(大氣中) $SO_3$농도(濃度)와 엽내유황함량(葉內硫黃含量), 대기중(大氣中) HF농도(濃度)와 엽내불소함량간(葉內弗素含量間)에 정(正)의 상관(相關)을 보여주었다. 그리고 막후면(幕後面) 3m지점(地點)의 수량(收量)과 수량구성요소(收量構成要素)는 다른 조사지점(調査地點)보다 현저히 높은 수치(數値)를 보였다. 2. 대기중(大氣中) $SO_2$ 및 HF농도(濃度)보다는 엽내유황(葉內硫黃) 및 불소함량(弗素含量)이 수도(水稻)의 수량(收量) 및 수량구성요소(收量構成要素)와의 높은 상관(相關)이 인정(認定)되었다.
