Correlation Between Cross Interaction Constant and Bond Length in the S$_N$2 Transition State

  • 발행 : 1988.06.20


A simple correlation between cross interaction constants ${\rho}_{ij}$ and bond lengths in the transition state was obtained ; it has been shown that ${\rho}_{ij}$ corresponds to force constant of activation, which in turn is related to bond length by Badger's rule involving only universal constants. A satisfactory correlation between 4-31G ab initio calculated values of bond length and force constant for C-X streching in the transition state of the methyl transfer reaction, $X^-\;+\;CH_3X\;=\;XCH_3\;+\;X^-$, indicated that Badger's rule can be extended to bonds in the transition state. Independence of ${\rho}_{ij}$ values from the variable charge transmission of reaction centers has been demonstrated with nearly constant, experimentally determined I${\rho}$XYI values, and hence similar degree of bond formation, for various $S_N2$ reactions.



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