한국 서해 천수만 북동부에 발달한 제4기 현세 조간대층 하위의 간월도층 연구

The Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Natures of the Kanweoldo Deposit Overlain by the Holocene Tidal Deposits, Cheonsu Bay, West Coast of Korea

  • 김여상 (공주사범대학 지구과학 교육과) ;
  • 박용안 (서울대학교 해양학과)
  • 발행 : 1988.12.01


한국 서해의 천수만 조간대에 발달한 현세 조간대층의 하위에 선현세 퇴적층이 발견되었는데, 이 퇴적층은 조간대 퇴적환경에서 이루어진 것으로 해석된다. 이 층을 간월도층이라고 명명하였으며, 이 간월도층은 선현세의 간빙기 동안에 퇴적된 것으로 규명되었다.

The deposit (named Kanweoldo deposit) unconformably overlain by the Holocene tidal deposit is mainly exposed along the tidal channel of the Sajangpo tidal flat of Cheonsu Bay, west coast of Korea. The Kanweoldo deposit's sedimentary textures, sedimentary structures and erosion surfaces of the stratigraphic events have been investigated. The Kanweoldo deposit is mainly composed of mud, silt and sandy mud. The sedimentary criteria indicating intertidal deposit i.e. lenticular bedding, thinly and coarsely interlayered bedding, wavy lamination and flaser bedding are positively found in the Kanweoldo deposit. The deposit is semi-consolidated and brown in color, and has erosional contact (stratigraphic boundary) with the overlying Holocene tidal deposit. Considering such Kanweoldo deposit's sedimentary characteristics and stratigraphic relation with the Holocene tidal deposit, the Kanweoldo deposit seems to be deposited under intertidal environment during Riss-Wurm interglacial period and subaerially exposed and eroded during the last glacial period.
