Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 27 Issue 2
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- Pages.111-116
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- 1988
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Fruit Piercing Moths Collected at an Orcgard Surrounded by forest in Gyeongnam Province
경남 산지 과수원에서 채집된 과실 흡수나방의 종류
Fruit piercing moths were collected at every other at orchaed(16.5ha) planted with plum, peach and pear, and surrounded by forest in Gyeongnam province from jun to September in 1987. Four black light (BL) traps were lightened to attract the moths from sunset to sunrise and sweep net was also used to catch the moths on fruit and around fruit trees from 22 to 23 o'clock, 20 minutes per fruit tree species. Forty-one species, including 15 primary piercing species(PPS) and 22 secondary piercing species (SPS), from 3 families were collected and identified as fruit piercing moths. Among them, 16 species are newly recorded as fruit piercing moths in Korea. O. emarginata, L. juno, P. stuposa, C. lata and O. excavata were diminant species of PPS, comprising 86.7% of the whole PPS. Dominant species of SPS were A. ipsilon, M. turca, S. retorata, A. livida and T. oldenlandiae, comprising 80.5% of the whole SPS. The ratios of PPS to the whole fruit piercing moths collected by BL traps and net were sweep 15.2% and 79.7%, repectively. By sweep net L. juno, P. stuposa, and O. emarginata was also captured in a large numbers on peach, C. lata was on plum, and S. retorata was on pear.
1987년 6월부터 9월가지 경남 진주지방의 복숭아, 자두, 배가 심어져 있는 사지 과수원에서 4개의 black light(BL) trap과 야간에 1시간 동안(22시~23시)의 포충망채집에 의하여 흡수나방의 종류를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 두가지 채집방법으로 의해 15종의 1차가해종과 22종의 2차가해종 및 가해습성으르 알 수 없는 4종 등 총 41종의 흡수나방이 조사되었으며, 이 중에서 16종은 우리나라에서 흡수나방으로처음 보고되는 종류이다. 1차가해종의 우점종은 작은갈고리밤나방, 무궁화밤나방, 스투포사밤나방, 금빛우묵밤나방, 갈고리밤나방으로서 전체의 86.7%를 차지하였다. 2차가해종의 우점종은 검거세미나방, 쌍띠밤나방, 까마귀밤나방, 세줄박각시나방으로서 전체의 80.5%를 차지하였다. BL trap으로는 총 채집수 15.2%가, 야간포충망채집으로는 79.7%가 1차가해종이었다. 무궁화밤나방, 스투포사밤나방, 작은갈고리밤나방은 복숭아, 자두, 배에서 공히 많이 채집되었으며 그외에 복숭아에서는 갈고리밤나방, 자두에서는 금빛추묵밤나방, 배에서는 태극나방이 많이 채집되었다.