두유박(豆乳粕)의 제면활용(製麵活用)

Use of Soymilk Residue to Noodle

  • 최준봉 (서울대학교 농과대학 식품공학과) ;
  • 김재욱 (서울대학교 농과대학 식품공학과)
  • Choi, Jun-Bong (Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Ze-Uook (Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1988.03.30


본 연구는 두유 제조시 부산물로 나오는 두유박을 제면에 활용할 목적으로, 이것을 소맥분과 섞어 점도 특성, 건면의 조리 시험, 조리면의 조직감 시험 및 관능 검사를 행하였다. 조리면의 색도는 두유박 배합으로 약간 노란빛을 나타내었다. 두유박을 배합하면 점탄성이 낮아져서 고형분의 손실이 비교적 많아지는 동시에 조직감도 저하되었다. 두유박을 배합한 면의 조직감을 개선하기 위하여 Na-Alginate, Na-C,M,C, Guar Gum 및 Crude Gluten을 첨가제로 넣어 제면 특성을 검사한 결과 첨가제 중 점도 증가에는 Na-Alginate와 Guar Gum이 뚜렷한 효과를 보였으며 조리성 향상에는 Guar Gum과 Crude Gluten이 효과가 있었다. 조직감 시험에서는 Na-Alginate 1.0%, Na-C,M,C, 2.0%, Guar Gum 0.5% 및 Crude Gluten 2.0%를 첨가한 것이 효과가 있어 밀가루면의 조직감과 비슷하였다. 일반적으로 두가지 첨가제를 섞은 혼합 첨가제가 제면 특성 개선에 효과가 크며, 특히(Crude Gluten 1.0%+Na-C,M,C, 1.0%) 및 (Crude Gluten 1.0+Guar Gum 0.5%)를 첨가한 것의 조직감은 밀가루면의 그것과 거의 같았을 뿐 아니라, 관능 검사 결과도 향기, 색도 및 조직감이 밀가루면과 유의차가 없이 좋았다.

This study aims effective use of soymilk residue, by-product of soymilk production, and making noodles by mixing soymilk residue with wheat flour. The results of viscosity property, cooking test of dry noodles, texture test of cooked noodles, and sensory test of cooked noodles were as follows. The color of cooked noodles were slightly shifted to yellowness according to the mixing of soymilk residue. The mixing of soymilk residue resulted in the decrease of texture and the loss of solids due to the decrease of visccelasity. Na-alginate, Na-C.M.C., guar gum, and crude gluten were added to improve the texture of noodles mixed with soymilk residue. As the results, either Na-alginate or guar gum was very effective in increasing the viscosity of composite flour and either guar gum or crude gluten was very effective in improving cooking quality. The texture of noodles supplemented by Na-alginate 1.0%, Na-C.M.C. 2.0%, guar gum 0.5%, or crude gluten 2.0% was similar to that of wheat flour noodles. Complex additives mixed with two different additives were very effective in improving noodle-making characteristics. Especially, the properties of the soymilk residue mixed noodles supplemented by crude gluten 1.0% and Na-C.M.C. 1.0% or crude gluten 1.0% and gum 0.5% were nearly the same in the texture organoleptic properties compared with those of wheat flour noodles.
