대한산업공학회지 (Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers)
- 제13권2호
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- Pages.35-46
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- 1987
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- 1225-0988(pISSN)
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- 2234-6457(eISSN)
일시(一時) 작업중단(作業中斷)을 허용(許容)하는 순서종속작업(順序從屬作業)을 병행기계(並行機械)로서 makespan 최소화(最小化)를 도모(圖謀)하는 발견적(發見的) 방법(方法)
Heuristic Procedure on Minimizing Makespan for Preemptive Sequence Dependent Job Scheduling with Parallel Identical Machines
To minimize makespan for preemptive sequence dependent job scheduling with parallel identical processors, fundamental results, as the basis of new algorithm to be presented, such as McNauton's algorithm for independent jobs, Hu's characterization for dependent jobs, and Muntz-Coffman's algorithm, were first introduced. Then a huristic procedure was presented applying those concepts of zoning of assembly line balancing and of resource leveling on CPM network scheduling with two or more of parallel machines in general. New procedure has eliminated presumative machine assignment using