확산모형 (Diffusion Model)을 이용한 새로운 서비스 수요예측

Demand Forecasting for New Service using the Diffusion Model

  • 발행 : 1987.06.30


When the historical data are available, the diffusion model, which describes the time pattern of the adoption process of a new product or technology or service, has been used as a reasonable predictor in the telecommunication demand forecasting area. This paper shows that the diffusion model is applicable when the historical data are not available. The model used is in the form of a "logistic" function. The parameters of the function are estimated using the questionnaire and the historical data of reference products. From the questionnaire, an initial and an upper limit long run value of the market share are estimated, and the diffusion time to the upper limit value is determined by the relation between the investment and the utility.
