2차대전 후 영국 청소년 하위문화 스타일 -Teddy Boys, Mods, Hippies, Skinheads 와 Punks 스타일의 상징성에 대하여-

Youth Subcultural Styles in Britain Since World War II -the symbolical meanings of Teds, Mods, Skinheads, Hippies, and Punks-

  • 김민자 (서울대학교 가정대학 의류학과)
  • Kim Min Ja (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, College of Home Economics Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1987.08.01


The objective of this paper was to identify the general concept of subculture; to assess the symbolism of youth subculture style, such as Teds in the 40's, Mods in the 50's, Skinheads and Hippies in the 60's, and Punks in the 80's, giving an inspiration to many high fashion designers. The data were collected from eye-wittness reports, interviews, magazines such as Vogue, The Face, and The Sunday Times, postcards, and photos taken by authors. Youth subcultures were symbolized as 1) a social protest and disaffection against social class and racism, 2) an expression of shock value for nihilism, anarchism, and vandalism, 3) a meaningful sexual fetishism concerning gender confusion, and 4) an emotion of rage, fear, and alienation among working class youth. One cultural form in a subculture is its 'style.' Costumes, appearances, and accessories such as hair style, make-up, and jewellery were playing an important role in forming a subcultural style. The symbolism of youth subculture was well depicted on their clothing styles, which had influences on Zandra Rhodes's, Body Maps', and Hyper and Hyper's fashion design.
