Weak Association of Random Variables, with Applications

  • Received : 1987.05.08
  • Accepted : 1987.07.07
  • Published : 1987.08.01


Random variables $X_1$, $X_1$, ..., $X_m$ are said to be weakly associated if whenever $\pi$ is a permutation of {1, 2,..., m}, $1{\leq}k<m$, and f: $R^{k}{\rightarrow}R$, g: $R^{m-k}{\rightarrow}R$ are coordinatewise nondecreasing functions then Cov $[f(X_{x(1)},...,\;X_{\pi(k)},\;g(X_{x(k+1)},...,\;X_{x(m)})]{\geq}0$, whenever the covariance is defined. An infinite collection of random variables is weakly associated if every finite subcollection is weakly associated. The basic properties of weak association and central limit theorem for weakly associated random variables are derived. We also extend this idea to point random fields and prove that a Cox process with a stationary weakly associated intensity rardom measure is weakly associated. Another inequalities and the fact that positive correlated normal random variables are weakly associated are also proved.



Supported by : Ministry of Education