Studies on the Effects of Several Amendments on the Uptake of Cd, Cu and Zn by Rice Plant

수도(水稻)의 중금속(重金屬) 흡수(吸收) 경감(經感)에 대(對)한 몇가지 개량제(改良劑)의 효과(效果)

  • Published : 1987.06.30


This study was conducted to find out the effect of several improvers such as triple super phosphate, slaked lime, wollastonite and gypsum for reducing Cd content in brown rice. Several improvers were applied to two different types of soils which are contaminated with copper-zinc mine wasted and sludge.(Soil I contained Cd : 7.88, Cu : 57.9, Zn : 175.0 ppm, Soil II contained Cd : 3.95, Cu : 30.2, Zn :124.0 ppm) In general, effects of improvers on reducing content of Cd, Cu and Zn in brown rice were greater in soil I than soil II. In soil I, the Cd content of brown rice was reduced to 0.4ppm below by application of triple superphosphate, fused phosphate, slaked lime and gypsum, 98, 225, 190 and 276Kg/10a, respectively. Triple superphosphate was more effective than fused phosphate in reducing uptake of Cd, Cu and Zn by applying them as an equal amount of phosphorous, also to equal alkalinity, slaked lime had the highest effect. Negatively linear effect was found between soil pH and Cd and Zn content in brown rice. As to above results, it was no doubt that triple superphosphate, fused phosphate and slaked lime would be applied to reduced heavy metals in brown rice. The slaked lime, triple super phosphate and fused phosphate were available to reduce uptake of Cd, Cu and Zn by rice plant grown in the soil contaminated with mine waste and sludge.

수도(水稻)의 중금속(重金屬) 흡수(吸收)를 경감(輕減)시키기 위(爲)하여 광미사(鑛微砂) 및 광산폐수(鑛山廢水)에 의(依)해 중금속(重金屬)의 오염(汚染) 정도(程度)가 다른 두 토양(土壤)에 개량제(改良劑)인 중과석(重過石), 용성인비(熔成燐肥), 소석회(消石灰), 규회석(珪灰石) 및 석고(石膏) 등(等)을 처리(處理)하여 토양(土壤) pH 및 현미중(玄米中) 중금속(重金屬)(Cd, Cu Zn 등(等))함량(含量)을 조사분석(調査分析)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 개량제간(改良劑間)의 뚜렷한 경향(傾向)은 없었으나, 현미중(玄米中) Cd, Cu, Zn 등(等)의 흡수(吸收) 경감(輕減) 정도(程度)는 重金屬(중금속) 오염도(汚染度)가 낮은 토양Ⅱ(土壤) 보다 오염도(汚染度) 높은 토양(土壤)Ⅰ에서 그 효과(效果)가 컸다. 2. 토양(土壤)Ⅰ에서 현미중(玄米中) Cd 농도(濃度)를 0.4ppm 이하(以下)로 감소(減少)시킬 수 있는 개량제(改良劑)의 시용량(施用量)은 중과석(重過石)이 98, 용성인비(熔成燐肥)가 225, 소석회(消石灰)가 190, 석고(石膏)는 276㎏/10a였다. 3. 개량제(改良劑)로 시용(施用)된 동일(同一) 린산함량(燐酸含量)으로서 중금속(重金屬)의 흡수경감효과(吸收輕減效果)는 중과석(重過石)이 용성인비(熔成燐肥)보다 컸고, 동일(同一) 알칼리분으로서는 소석회(消石灰)가 용성인비(熔成燐肥)나 규회석(珪灰石)보다 효과적(效果的)이었다. 4. 토양중(土壤中) pH와 현미중 (玄米中)Cd 및 Zn 함량(含量)과는 유의성(有意性) 있는 부(負)의 관계(關係)가 있었다.
