A Study on the Use of Seasoning for NAMUL Preparation -in salt concentration-"

나물 조리시 양념사용에 관한 연구 -염분농도를 중심으로-

  • Published : 1987.12.01


The Namul is one of the most popular and fundamental foods in the Korean meal. The taste of NAMUL depends mostly on the seasonings put on which the salt concentration is the prevailing element of them. The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimum salt concentration by sensory evaluation. The amount of each seasoning except salt was reviewed and used following many food preparation books published. Four different concentrations of salt were added to make different salt concentrations of Namuls. The results of the study are following: 1. By reviewing the related publishments, the amount of seasoning used in 300g of cooked Namul were 15.5g of welsh onion, 7.9g of garlic, 9.0g of sesame, and 11.5g of welsh onion, 7.0g of garlic, 6.0g of sesame oil, 3.3g of sesame, 13.9g of sugar, 10.6g of vinegar and 5.6g of red pepper were the main seasonings for 300g of raw Namul. 2. The optimum salt concentration of cooked Nanul was 1.412% and that of raw Namul was 1.368%. 3. The salt concentration had no effect on the texture within the salt concentrations ranges of 0.84% through 1.89% in Platycodon Namul, Radish Namul, Soybean sprouts Namul, Pumpkin Namul, Raw Radish Namlll, Raw Cucumber Namu1. 4. The more the amount of soy sauce increases, the more the palatability drops. Platycodon and Cucumber Namuls had preference of color when the amount of soy sauce added was 0.8%∼l.0% of the Namul. On the other hand, Spinach Namul had the preference up to 4.8% of the Namul. 5. The overall taste of cooked Namul was considered to be the test in the salt concentrations 1.223%∼l.513%, while that of raw Namul was considered to be best in 1.183%∼1.373% of salt concentration. 6. According to the sensory evaluation, there was a tendency that the overall taste of Namul is consistent with the preferance of saltiness in Namul.

조리서를 통하여 염류를 제외한 나물 양념의 분량을 조사하여 사용하고, 염류배합에만 변동을 주어 관능검사로 최적 염분농도 및 최적의 배합조건을 구한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 재료 300g에 대하여 숙채는 파 15.5g, 마늘 7.9g, 참기름 9.0g, 깨소금 5.0g을, 생채는 파 11.5g, 마늘 7.0g, 참기름 6.0g, 깨소금 3.3g, 설탕 13.9g, 식초 10.6g, 고추가루 5.6g을 사용하였다. 2. 나물의 최적 염분농도는 숙채가 1.412%, 생채가 1.368%였다. 3. 소금과 새우젓으로 간을 한 나물에서는 염분농도 0.84%∼l.89%사이에서 염분농도가 질감에 영향을 주지 않았다. 4. 색의 기호성은 간장의 양을 증가시켜 첨가할수록 낮아졌으며, 색의 기호에 영향을 주지 않고 사용할 수 있는 간장의 양은 오이나물과 도라지나물같이 색이 옅은 경우는 중량의 0.8%∼l.0%였고, 시금치나물같이 색이 진한 경우는 중량의 4.8%였다. 5. 전체적인 맛이 좋은 염분농도는 숙채가 1.223%∼l.513%, 생채가 1.183%∼l.373%로 짠맛의 결과와 일치하는 경향을 보였다.
